Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Hooray For Little Texans!

I commented on my fellow classmate's blog post K-12 reform starts from the bottom up regarding money being put toward a program that is going to help benefit pre-k and up. Glad to hear that we will be putting our money toward something that will only benefit our future. The next generation can either make or break us considering the fact that they will be preceding us. I'm sure we all hope that every child takes advantage of this.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Do Private Businesses Have a Say?

With the whole talk going on in Texas about open carry gun rights, it’s starting to bring up the question if private owned businesses can restrict the public to bring a gun into their building. On the Texas Department of Public Safety website, you can find a pictogram that shows, on a white background, a handgun drawn in black ink within a red circle and diagonal red line across the handgun that private businesses can print out and hang it on their front door. These printable signs are required to be no bigger than the size of 8.5 by 11 inches and include text from that provision in English and Spanish, with block letters at least one inch in height.

Some incidents that have occurred involved a business having a sign up showing a red circle and diagonal red line across a picture of a handgun that was clearly restricting no guns allowed. But the sign did not meet state requirements. Gun owners are trying to expose businesses like this and trying to bloat about how they have the right to still bring their concealed handgun into the building because the sign again, didn't meet state requirements.

The debate over “no guns” signs revolves around competing Second Amendment and private property rights. I believe that a private business should be able to freely hang their “No Guns” sign on the entrance of the building. Gun owners have the right to carry their concealed hand guns out in public, but if anything if they see the sign hanging as they are pulling in into the parking lot, they can just easily leave their gun in the car and lock it. Once they exit the building they can carry on with their day.