Friday, May 15, 2015

Religion in the House?

I have mixed feelings about the legalization of marijuana. I too saw this article when it came out and when he stated that he believes God blah blah blah... Not to include my religious beliefs or anything, but this argument could be used in almost every case, for example abortions. It's always a toss up in the house between state and religion. What will happen in the long run?

This was my reply to Adrian Munoz

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Banning Insurers From Covering Abortion?

On Tuesday, the senate passed a bill that would stir up many arguments. The senate passed a bill that would ban insurers from covering abortion. Apparently, now “under SB 575, private health insurance plans and those offered through the federal Affordable Care Act’s marketplace could only provide coverage for abortions in cases of medical emergencies”. Abortion rights has always had a conflict with religion, naturally. However, church and state should remain separate, and I feel as if this bill has a religious motive. I mean, why else would one create a bill that would furthermore cripple an individual’s right to have an abortion.

After Republican state Senator Larry Taylor had passed this bill, he was questioned as to “not knowing how much supplemental insurance for abortion coverage would cost and questioned why the bill did not include an exception for abortions in cases of rape or incest”. I mean…was there any thought being put into this? These are simple questions we would all like to know the answers to.

While this bill doesn't come out and state its religious motives, in my eyes, they are quite evident. Let me explain. An abortion is a perfectly legal medical procedure if I am not mistaken. Not only are there medical reasons ones might have to partake in an abortion, but financial as well. So what possible logical reasoning could there be on this bill, for anyone in their right mind to pass it or even support it. Come on now people.