Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Barack Jobs or Steve Jobs?

In Katie Kieffer’s blog “The President: I'll take the Credit...and Charge You $100 Million”, she explains how new jobs are being created thanks to Barack Obama along with numerous sarcastic remarks. She is bashing Obama supporters while informing those who are not aware of TechHire, Obama’s new plan to create 500,000 new job openings. She begins with informing us that “Last week, Obama announced, TechHire, a plan that takes $100 million from the H-1B visa program and gives it to select universities, community colleges and corporations in the form of grants to train and hire American tech workers”. Kieffer explains how these “new jobs” that he will be creating are already indeed created but as you guessed it in her title…the $100 million will be coming from us. She sarcastically compares Obama to Steve Jobs to exaggerate how different they are job making wise, claiming that Steve Jobs creates NEW jobs, while Obama simply takes credit for ones that already exist. She then brings up the fact that “Obama has spent [our] money at a faster pace than any prior president” implying that spending other people’s money would get you sent to jail. I can understand how wrong it may seem to be taking our money out to provide something that’s already there. So in this case, I can agree with the author. Throughout her blog, Kieffer backs up her statements with facts from other articles/blogs. She provides related information to show that she is knowledgeable about the subject and keeps up with current events. 

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